Saturday, May 12, 2007


I just saw a Depeche Mode cover band at an Irish Pub in Mexico City. My sidekick Tyler and I were the only Americans in the place. It was eerie and absolutely amazing. We must have found the only bar in all of Mexico that doesn't sell Corona. Also, cigarettes cost less than $2 a pack in Mexico City. Good luck quitting, Kevin.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Kevin's Review Of Marie Antoinette

Let them eat cake? More like... let them eat mediocrity!

I made that up.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

as i was just saying about mr blair

or "bambi" as he's nicknamed...

he used to be cool

now he sucks..

Monday, May 7, 2007

healthy resentment:

1. uranus not being pronounced as it should be

2. the summer weather in winter is actually just frightening

3. there are no benefits to working next to the department of water and power.... actually they just steal your parking spots

4. to make 16 dollars an hour you have to pay 12 dollars to park... calculating to a massive paycheck of 14.50 an hour. wtf?

5. after not drinking hard alcohol for awhile, i had a recent bender where i was drinking jim beam from the bottle. This in turn gave me a sore throat. how is this sore throat THAT different than people who have strep? and why can't i call in sick?

6. parking karma - where does it come from? and how can i buy some?

7. when everyone already knows your funniest joke. (and all of the variations you tell it)

8. when you realize your funniest joke wasn't even that funny to begin with.

9. when spiderman 3 takes in 200 million its first weekend and its the most ridiculous shit ever made.

10. figuring that you can create a blog (thats also a magazine) and turn it into 400 million dollars cuz its 10 times better than spiderman.

healthy resentment:

1. uranus not being pronounced as it should be

2. the summer weather in winter is actually just frightening

3. there are no benefits to working next to the department of water and power.... actually they just steal your parking spots

4. to make 16 dollars an hour you have to pay 12 dollars to park... calculating to a massive paycheck of 14.50 an hour. wtf?

5. after not drinking hard alcohol for awhile, i had a recent bender where i was drinking jim beam from the bottle. This in turn gave me a sore throat. how is this sore throat THAT different than people who have strep? and why can't i call in sick?

6. parking karma - where does it come from? and how can i buy some?

7. when everyone already knows your funniest joke. (and all of the variations you tell it)

8. when you realize your funniest joke wasn't even that funny to begin with.

9. when spiderman 3 takes in 200 million its first weekend and its the most ridiculous shit ever made.

10. figuring that you can create a blog (thats also a magazine) and turn it into 400 million dollars cuz its 10 times better than spiderman.

Remember When 24 Was Awesome?

I haven't paid much attention to 24 recently, because the plot no longer manages to supercede the whole "propaganda for insensitive americans" bent, but I'm too far into the season now to not push forward. I'd just like to voice my opinion that the plot of this season has become so illogical and, at times, downright boring, that the show that used to be so stressful that it forced you to chain smoke is now the show that just makes you want to quit smoking altogether.

They already killed off Curtis, who is the most recent in a long line of great characters to suffer untimely deaths, Jack's barely gotten into any shootouts, most of the staff at CTU are bumbling idiots (other than Chloe, who's turning into one), the guy from NYPD Blue is lame, the Presidency has been usurped for like the 3rd time in 6 seasons and, above all, I need a nap.

Remember the "where's my wife?" scene from season 1? What happened to that 24?

short and sweet reviews of movies no one cares about: the queen and little children

i took a chance on little children.. i liked all of the actors from their different roles.. mainly the one from angels in america. i forget his name.. but he was phenomenal at being mormon.

review: it was ok... it was narrated which i didn't like. showed the monotony of marriage and the shittiness (sp?) of surburbia. of course i was most impressed with the child molestor who at the end of the movie chops off his own penis. i dunno it's one of those movies that as you're watching you're bored with but happen to end up thinking about for the next few days. so i'll give it a "D" for digestive.

The Queen- by snooty british people who care far too much about something not that giant that happened not that long ago.

don't get me wrong Princess Diana did a lot of really amazing things especially for people with AIDS. But at the same time she was a 'lady of the tabloids' who had a ridiculously wealthy lifestyle. i've read a lot of things that talked about how she was completely bi-polar and would freak out regularly. not to say that us insane folks don't deserve love.. i just don't think it's that important.
so... the queen's a quiet lady who's obviously old fashioned and is accustomed to not showing emotion. thats basically the plot of the entire movie.. oh and tony blair who everyone can't get enough of.. fighting with her to acknowledge the people who are grieving for diana.

i dont like blair... if anything it just made me madder at him because at one time he actually cared about the middle and lower classes....

oh well

i give this a "W" for whatever you upper class snooty british sassholes who care too much about dumb things like the monarchy

in other news....

the movie "what women want" staring mel gibson was on tv this weekend. the story is about a guy who can read women's thoughts and thus becomes the perfect man whore.

yes the jesus christ of all media, mel gibson is what i've been wanting all this time. mel gibson, you dawg you.

giving new meaning to the words "bad writing"

lost lost lost...
it would be too easy to make the obvious jokes that they've "lost" their way etc.. so i won't go there. i'll just say one thing: i fell asleep while i was watching lost this wednesday.
granted i had gone on a jim beam bender that ended in tears but regardless i still managed to get up, turn on the tv and was still cognizent enough to know that lost had once again failed me.

lost lost lost
why oh why oh why