Monday, March 5, 2007

Lost Diary

Once I thought the world was going to die because of global warming, now i'm thoroughly convinced it's going to die because of horrible television programming such as these recent lost episodes. Why oh why oh why.

Here goes:

1. Wow! that was a great idea getting cheech to play Hurley's dad. They're BOTH HISPANIC... AND... hurley talks like he's always stoned (even though he's been stuck on an island for about 3 yrs)

2. Hurley's dad gives him a candy bar - the subtlty of this show always makes me happy. I mean who would pick up on the fact that hurley's weight problem was caused by his dad leaving him at an early age. it's like they throw things in as foreshadowing only for the hardcore fans.......

3. so the dog brings out an arm carrying a rabbits foot with keys to a car. Hurley runs through the jungle to try and find the car. He finds it. I guess the dog remembered? My dog can't even remember what food means and thats the only thing he cares about. I have a hard time believing this plot already.

4. I could go on about what else happens but it just gets worse and worse and worse and worse

the epic endings of all of these are really disturbing.

until next week... when, hopefully, they give me some matthew fox, so i can turn the sound down.. open a bottle of 2000 cab, order some indian from down the street and have a 'couples night'....
til then..

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