Monday, August 20, 2007

Celebrity Blog One-Liner Of The Day

This time from the lippy bunch at A Socialite's Life, concerncing Mary-Kate Olsen's recent departure from NYU because of spies.

All those people peering out through eye holes cut in newspapers must have freaked her ass out. What a loony tune. What the hell were they reporting? How she holds her pen? If she drools on the desk if she falls asleep during a lecture? She's actually still enrolled in NYU but is now concentrating on releasing a clothing line called The Row with her twin troll. I'm picturing a lot of Big Edie and Little Edie. There's some Beale up in there, I know it. Hopefully one of the pieces includes a fake nose and glasses to disguise one from the spies. And maybe an aluminum foil helmet to stop the Martians from broadcasting signals into their crazy heads.

In other news, there's a housefly trying to land in my glass of wine.

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