All right so for those of you who have been obsessed with Lost.. this week was the final straw. I've tried for weeks on end to avoid noticing the plot twists that include painfully obvious toys or gimmicks to use in the upcoming "Lost the final frontier" video game.. I've also tried hopelessly to pretend I'm not watching a danielle steel novel. AND I've avoided noticing that ALL THEY DO IS CREATE MYSTERIES WITH NO CONCLUSIONS... actually scratch that,, just really bad conclusions.
So the moral of the story is.. this will no longer be called my lost diary but instead will be titled, "why lost failed me and everyone else who once believed in the renaisance in television (and cinema)."
So here are my thoughts on this weeks episode:
1. OK so we're sitting here on this boat with Kate and Sawyer and thinking: oh here comes the touching speech about them having sex a couple episodes again... but no... we get Kate talking about wanting to turn the boat around to rescue Jack.
--- Kate.... you just got a boat with a rambling kid who's talking about jesus and jacob and you want to turn it around to rescue Jack with your one man army... OK next topic
2. OO they're getting REALLY creative with throwing in random Jesus topics... didn't see that one coming either... Could it be A CULT?! they need to get a lot more subtle really fast.
3. ok so Jacks having a flashback about Phuket... and low and behold there's Bai Ling.... I looked this bitch up and couldn't find anything that made me think she has any talent and her acting right now isn't doing her any favors. Topic for discussion: what is bai ling famous for? something tells me she has something to do with David Lynch or David Bowie but maybe that's cuz she has crazy hair... Let's keep going...
4. Ooo she taught him to build a kite.. i knew there was a reason she was on this show... Ok so the surgeon who has done things in Medicine no one else has can save a patient from paralysis but can't build a kite.. something tells me lindeloff was sitting around thinking.. I wonder if building a kite would work for a mid-level teaser in a video game?
just a thought.
5. Where's desmond? Why can't we have a psychic back.. that last episode was one of the best things going for this one and theres no desmond? they could've just thrown him in for effect.
6. Ahhh.... she has special powers.... a "gift" if you will... hm something tells me this is going to have a lot to do with cults.
7. UH oh... Juliet my nemesis in my quest to get matthew fox to sleep with me.. is going to jail HAH HAH!!! yesss... finally i can watch this show without puking.. (Sidenote: Juliet is my least favorite character... she was obviously created for soccer mom's to relate to.. Can't you see Teri Hatcher curling up to lost thinking.. that's so me.. I'm so strangely evil like her... oo depth) Yes.. i'm mean... sooo she's in trouble because Jack told on her for trying to kill Henry Gale (aka: Ben).
8. We have a new character who looks almost exactly like the woman that Desmond saw in his dream. I guess she's the "sherrif" hm... I like that she's evil too.. however I'm still bored watching this episode.
9. Jack lies to save Juliet because they have to create some kind of chemistry between the characters.. blah blah blah.. They really shouldve picked someone who wasn't as soccer mommish.. Jack is no soccer dad.
10. I'm just going to skip to the end where I finally did puke. Ok.. so we've got this touching moment where Karl (like KARL MARX!?) is looking up at the stars thinking about Alex (another poorly cast actress who seems a touch too angsty) thinking about the constellation they named called "latin for teddy bear" (who writes this crap). Jack and whats her name are looking at eachother gazing into eachothers eyes... i puke a little in my mouth.. then they touch their finger tips together and i officially puke.
Overall.. I LOST all respect for lost. get it? but I will continue watching on a quest to find out why it is this happened.. and hoping that desmond can bring it all home.
oh and charlie better die otherwise I really will give up on trying to figure out these conspiracies.