Not only is it essential for Lebanese-style cabbage salad with an unnamed secret ingredient that we've recently discovered, but used in soup creates a very stylish and tasty purple broth. What's even better, though, is that upon placing said soup in the fridge, it began to glow with a red glow only seen in the eyes of a jaguar on the plains of Kenya, and on certain outer moons of Saturn. I'm actually a little bit terrified to open the fridge in the morning knowing that I might live out the plot of Ghostbusters before my Macroeconomics exam... not that that excuse wouldn't get me an automatic A, plus, honestly after selling the movie rights, I could probably just quit school and fulfill my dream of opening a Del Krispy House in Southern California (it's exactly what it sounds like, or if you have no idea what it sounds like, imagine Del Taco, Krispy Kreme and Waffle House all wrapped up into one, with added amenities such as nap rooms, petting zoos and build-your-own-ham-radio stations).
I believe it was
This American Life, or one of those more pretentious NPR shows, that did a feature on people giving acceptance speeches should they ever win an Oscar or something of the sort. I've begun writing mine. Assuming that I don't get word tomorrow that I'll be winning some sort of speech-worthy award in the next 2-3 presidential terms, I'll go ahead and debut it here.
This blog entry is over.
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