8:59 - Damn time change. Shit started a minute early. I almost missed it!
9:00 - Previously on 24 - ex president's crazy ex-wife tries to stab him (he's totally going to be dead this episode), the Russian President for some reason cooperates with the US (that seems fishy to me), and some guy that used to be on NYPD Blue joined the cast as some hard-nosed field ops guy. He sucks.
9:02 - I can hear my roommate in the other room watching skateboarding dvds on our good tv. One day, he'll learn.
9:03 - The Vice President that's currently running the country totally blows. Cue all the various "remind you of anyone?" jokes.
9:04 - I love how incredibly specific the terrorists are with every single conversation. "We need to launch these three drones to our three primary objectives within the next 53 minutes so we can finally exact our revenge for the injustices the Americans have subjected us to. Ken Griffey Jr. hit 42 home runs in 1996."
9:06 - Chloe's getting all annoying at CTU again. Devotees will see flashes of season 3, and foreshadowing to future comments in this blog entry.
9:09 - Wait, they already launched one of the nukes? How the hell didn't I notice that?
9:10 - The god damn VP is preparing an attack on Generic Arab Nation 6 (they never address any specific nationalities - probably some sort of Homeland Security directive) now that one of the drones is airborne over US soil. That reminds me of something I saw in The Onion this week. Something about the Iraq War.
-- COMMERCIAL (now all I can think about is all the bumper stickers I'm going to see regarding the Iraq war, like "Here's to four
more years of victory!" and "This was worse than the four times I had to repeat 8th grade," etc. I'm getting trademarks for those slogans, by the way, so fuck you if I see a t-shirt in Urban Outfitters with that shit on it) --
9:14 - CTU actually wasted the breath to mention that Santa Barbara is
not where the nuke is headed. Imagine the sort of statement for the terrorists that that would make.
9:15 - Uh oh, Audrey's coming back.
9:17 - Nevermind. Audrey's dead. Jack's totally going to end up putting the moves on his brother's wife before this day is out. Jack rebonds fast.
9:18 - Mother fucker, who calls me during 24?
9:19 - This Audrey being dead thing is really going to throw Jack off his game for an hour or two. Apparently she was in China when she died, so Jack's going to be grieving over the idea that Audrey tried to come save him now. Why can't he learn about these things during the 364 days that aren't part of the 24 season?
9:21 - Apparently the VP's green lighting an attack on "an area near the northern border of their country." This is like the 13 seasons of the Simpsons where Springfield's state was unknown (they finally revealed that it's in Kentucky, right?)
-- COMMERCIAL (Since a lot of commercial breaks involve movie and tv show previews, I figured I'd give you a blog preview: I'm going to be writing a business ethics entry after 24 is over. It's called
Eagle's Flight Order Of The Marble Star. No joke, I just had a mandatory ethics seminar with that exact title at school today, and I
don't go to school in 13th century Norway) --
9:27 - Milo's still mad at Morris and thinks he might be drinking on the job. Chloe's getting shifty eyes.
9:28 - Wow. Chloe was asked to check Morris' breath (for non-watchers, Chloe is his ex-wife), so she walks up to him and makes out with him, then when he asks what she's doing she responds with "I'm just seeing if there's alcohol on your breath." Morris respons with "Gotta love this place." This is 24's first attempt at humor in 6 seasons.
9:30 - Actually, maybe that wasn't supposed to be funny.
9:31 - CTU's got a leak! I figure it's Nadia, just because everyone's backing her because the annoying NYPD Blue guy thinks it's her. Same shit happened with Nina in season 1.
9:32 - That was fast. Chloe seems to have figured out that it is Nadia. Now I'm thinking she's been set up. I'm thinking Milo's dirty. Why else would he have given her that password a while ago?
9:33 - We should also entertain the possibility it's some random that never gets any camera time. It's a lot easier to write off a character that wasn't on the show to begin with.
-- COMMERCIAL (Jack hasn't been on camera in a while. Indigestion? Actually, I'd assume Jack's stomach is made of pure lead, but he's got some sort of issue going on right now. He's cried on camera plenty of times, so the fact that he's moping over Audrey usually doesn't keep him from getting some face time with the audience. Also, there's been a nuke airborne for like 25 minutes. Ummm......) --
9:37 - President Palmer's in bad shape. I'm sure he'll be back on his feet in two episodes, even though a bomb exploded like 8 feet from him.
9:38 - Hahahaha. Karen Hayes wants the doc to bring the President back to consciousness for a minute just to chat. Yeah, and I want red shag seat covers for my Ford Focus.
9:39 - They mentioned the address 1530 Hillcrest. I try to keep track of this stuff for the 24 Reality Tour business we've been planning to start.
9:40 - NYPD Blue guy (what the hell is his name anyway? Doyle or something?) is trying to torture Nadia. I gotta tell you, this is pretty dumb, even for 24. How does CTU take 14 hours to realize they have a leak and then 8 seconds to locate it and "plug" it anyway?
9:42 - Oh there's Jack.
9:43 - Oops. Gone again.
9:44 - There he is. Kill someone already!
9:45 - Jack's vowing revenge on the people who killed Audrey or whatever. I couldn't give less of a shit about that, Jack. Take care of that during one of the days I'm not watching.
-- COMMERCIAL (This last commercial break tends to be obnoxiously long, plus I have to put up with teasers for the local news, which will also undoubtedly repeat the depressing news of the four year anniversary of the ongoing Iraq victory. I always wondered - if the media stopped covering President Bush, do you think he'd just canish into thin air? Ahhhh there's the teaser. God damn it. The fact that 51% of Iraqi's now think the country would be better off
without the American presence is so embarrassing. Sorry for the diatribe. Long commercial breaks do that to me) --
9:49 - Nuke's still airborne. I don't know... just seems weird that it hasn't hit something yet. It's got to be grazing the power lines at Las Vegas International by now.
9:51 - And a third.... The target is San Francisco. No wonder it hasn't blown up yet.
9:52 - 30 seconds from SF already? That means it was going like 500 mph.
9:53 - This is great. Jack's basically just playing flight simulator on some old-ass computer. How is he not going to crash this thing into the Raiders' stadium or something?
9:54 - Welp, he landed it, and it immediate burst into flame. Of course, the nuke didn't blow. Well done Jack! That was one of your more childish world-savings.
9:55 - I have a feeling this nuke's still going to blow. You know, after LA's been subjected to about 80 different hazards through 5 and a half seasons of 24, it's about time some other city gets a little sweat on their collective brow.
9:56 - Hahahaha. Vice President is so bummed that it didn't blow up. He wanted to blow up a generic Middle Eastern nation.
9:57 - He's still launching the attack! Naturally, they'll be launching the attack "within the hour." Can't have that shit carry over for two weeks, now.
Next week on Zenziro: Find out who called me during 24, and why I won't be taking his phone calls for the next week!